Une immersion sensible dans la mécanique de la justice des enfants : "Délits mineurs", notre nouveau podcast, est sorti !


    ARTE Radio in english

    Reports, sound postcards, documentaries, radio dramas, series, news…
    Hundreds of original audio creations for your personal listening pleasure.
    ARTE Radio was founded in 2002 in Paris, France, by the European cultural channel, ARTE.
    It’s a free, on-demand, Internet radio service with absolutely no advertising. You can either listen online to or download hundreds of reports, radio dramas, documentaries, audio creations and series.
    Although most programs are in French, many of our sound creations do not contain words and are therefore universal.
    Through its short sound features, ARTE Radio offers a particular take on the world and on our multiple lives, fully supporting the talent of sound writers and authors.
    Our features will provide you with a wealth of emotions, with the opportunity to brush up on your French or with the chance to simply let go and have fun.
    All our programmes are original, and are produced especially by and for ARTE Radio, which pays a fee to its authors and holds the rights. The programmes are broadcast under a Creative Commons licence, for listening to online, for downloading in Ogg Vorbis or MP3 format, or for podcasting for listening to on iPod. They are also available on certain multimedia telephones.
    Don’t speak French? Not a problem. A whole range of ARTE Radio productions are accessible to listeners who do not understand French: some of them are in English; others are in German; and for many others, language is not an issue at all, as everything is conveyed by noise, music and atmosphere - in short, by sound. Like, for example, our postcards (our “cartes postales” under the ‘créations’ heading), which are mental images. 
    On the left area of the screen, you will see a list of programme title strips mentioning their author, their playing time and the date they were put online. To play a particular programme (each programme is called a “son”), click anywhere on its title strip to bring up the description of that programme in the left-hand area of the screen. Click on the ‘lecture’ button (i.e., the triangle in a circle at the top of the description) to begin listening to the programme you have selected.
     Can’t wait to share a particular program with your friends? At the bottom of each programme description is a link (next to the words “lien permanent”), which leads directly to its corresponding “son”. Simply click on your preferred method of sharing it from the icons (email, Facebook or Twitter). Your friends will then be able to listen to the sound in turn by clicking on it. *
     In the upper-right area of the screen, click on the search engine strip (“Recherche”) to look for a programme using a word, if this word appears in a programme description; e.g., Beijing (“Pékin”), Morocco (“Maroc”), Madrid (“Madrid”), Arabs (“Arabes”), etc.
    We hope you will enjoy discovering our unique website dedicated to the art of sound!
    The ARTE Radio team


    ARTE Radio a aussi son application mobile

    Rester sur le site
    Description artwork
    Temps écoulé : 1 minute 20 secondes
    Durée : 3 minutes 6 secondes
    Description image
    Temps écoulé : 1 minute 20 secondes
    Durée : 3 minutes 6 secondes
    À l’écoute

    Fantazio & Co Épisode 2

    Sex & sounds

    Et si on pouvait enlever les sons du sexe - les gémissements, les orgasmes, les lits qui grincent, les vantardises, les frouts ?

    Lire la suiteLire la suite

    Ma liste de lecture

    Le son a bien été ajouté à la liste de lecture

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